Need immediate help? Dial 2-1-1.

This phone number connects you with 211info, a comprehensive list of Multnomah County’s social service agencies. Tell the receptionist what kind of help you are looking for, and he/she will help make the connection.

Portland-area Congregations

Ahavath Achim
Beit Haverim (South Metro Jewish Congregation)
Chabad of Hillsboro
Congregation Beit Yosef
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Kesser Israel
Congregation Kol Ami (Vancouver)
Congregation Neveh Shalom
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shir Tikvah
Havurah Shalom
Kol Shalom, Community for Humanistic Judaism 
P’nai Or of Portland

Portland-area Jewish Organizations

Health and Aging

Cedar Sinai Park and Robison Health Center
Rose Schnitzer Manor

Youth-Centered and Schools

B’nai B’rith Camp
Maayan Torah Day School
Maimonides Jewish Day School
Oregon NCSY
The PJ Library
Portland Jewish Academy
United Synagogue Youth – Portland Rishonim

Community and Continuing Education

Chabad of Oregon
Hadassah – Portland Chapter
Institute for Judaic Studies
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon
Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Moishe House Portland
Oregon Jewish Life
Oregon Jewish Community Foundation
Oregon Jewish Museum & Center for Holocaust Education
Portland Kollel
Portland State University, Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Studies
University of Oregon, Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Studies

Community Events

For additional resources and information, please contact the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland at 503-245-6219 or visit