Meet Martin

Martin felt ashamed and embarrassed about seeking mental-health support. But he also knew how important it was.

“I have an overwhelming feeling of being stuck,” he once shared with his JFCS clinician. “Every day I feel distressed and anxious but I don’t really know why I feel this way.”

Through counseling sessions, Martin, 34, came to recognize that his own negative self-talk was keeping him from moving forward. He found it overwhelming to work toward personal goals, like feeling confident about making important decisions.

“I kept worrying that every step I’d take would end in something worse than failure,” Martin said.

Over time, his clinician has helped him identify certain patterns of thought and behaviors holding him back, as well as fresh perspective-taking.

Martin now speaks – and acts – with new confidence. He says, “I can trust myself more now and make life-affirming decisions. I know my mind and body are telling me what I need to make the best decisions I can.”


“Loneliness is difficult to own up to. But my counselor helped me understand that all I really need is a few friends I can count on – and who can count on me.”