Myra’s Story
A client shares her experience
Jewish Family & Child Service has helped me in so many ways, including (if not especially) during this coronavirus pandemic. JFCS started a weekly Community Connection group on Zoom soon after the lockdown started. Every week, the participants get a chance to talk about what is on their minds. The fantastic staff members, Douglass Ruth and Missy Fry, who run the meetings often suggest a relevant topic for discussion. The group is open to anyone who wants to attend; newcomers are always welcome, and especially since I live alone, I have really appreciated JFCS offering this program.
At the pandemic’s height, JFCS launched Friendly Callers. While it no longer is an active program as needs have shifted, at the time I was so glad I called the agency to get connected to a volunteer. JFCS matched me with a wonderful “friendly caller” who still calls me every week for a brief shmooze. I also want to highlight Caitlin DeBoer, who was so very helpful to me. I appreciate so much that she called me several times over the past year to check up on me. She also brought me a few boxes of food, which I deeply appreciated.
I will be eternally grateful for the kindness and emotional support I have received and still get from JFCS staff, especially during this seemingly never-ending pandemic. JFCS is definitely an important part of my Jewish life.
– Myra

“Loneliness is difficult to own up to. But my counselor helped me understand that all I really need is a few friends I can count on – and who can count on me.”