Larry Holzman
Elayne and Len Shapiro
Martha Soltesz
Alan M. Bacharach at Park Avenue Securities
Rosalyn Menashe
RuDiSu Meyer Family Fund of OJCF
Paul Norr and Helaine Gross
Meir and Claire Stampfer
Lori and Brad Abeson
Barbara Atlas and Brian Suher
David and Anita August
Gloria Bacharach z”l Family Fund of OJCF
Kathy and Norman Chusid
Nathan Cogan Family Fund of OJCF
Coldstream Wealth Management – Team Rosenbaum
Lee and Sheri Cordova
The Danish Family Endowment Fund of OJCF
Stuart & Nikki Director Family Fund of OJCF
Richard Dobrow
Jen and Howard Feldman
Generations Estate Law LLC
Marilyn and Rick Gilbert
Rosalie Goodman
Gradow Family Fund of OJCF
Dan Jacob and Jennifer Cowan
Marje Jacobson
Randy Katz and Peter Wigmore
Dr. Charles and Donna Kuttner
Megan and Ralph Leftwich
Wendy and Howard Liebreich
Robin and Steve McCoy
Elizabeth and Ruben Menashe
Toinette and Victor Menashe
Erika and Rich Meyer
Lora and Jim Meyer Family Fund of OJCF
Steve Reinisch
Eve and Alan Rosenfeld
Sally Rosenfeld and Andrew Frank Family Fund of OJCF
Faye Samuels
Joan and Paul Sher
Laurence and Corinne Spiegel Family Fund of OJCF
Eve Stern and Les Gutfreund
Bill and JoAnne Treuhaft
U.S. Bank
Carolyn and Gary Weinstein

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